Sunday 16 December 2012

all time nothing

going to get a job tmrw so I can get enough money for a navel piercing. everyone's asking me why I randomly want a navel piercing. I guess I just want to feel something, anything. I just wna start over on a clean slate. I'm stuck in a really messy patch in my life right now. I know I need to focus on As, and that's exactly what I'm doing which is what scares me, because I've stopped paying attention to anything else, especially myself. I guess this mechanic way of life is easier, hurts less too. doesn't hurt at all in fact. too many people/things in my life now. can't stand all this clutter. can't wait for school to begin so I can at least pretend I'm too busy to care. can't wait to see you on thursday. just need you to make everything better and make everything stop. 


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