Monday 17 December 2012


  • Wesley: There is a line, Lilah, black and white, good and evil.
  • Lilah: Funny thing about black and white. You mix it together and you get grey. And it doesn't matter how much white you try and put back in, you're never gonna get anything but grey.
I like where we are now. I like what we are now. can't wait for the new school term to begin. Occupy Occupy Occupy. as long as I occupy this space within me I'll be fine. not happy not good not sad not bad just fine. work training tmrw with wans, lex and keith. gna pimp my doc marts in the morning and film it. collected some of my online purchases today. transparent rain boots, knit pullover and a tote bag. shall vlog about it. shan't leave the house anymore unless it's for productive reasons. discipline is key. I'm broke anyway. really need to finish up my holiday homework. can't stand this feeling of lagging behind. so many holes to fill. 
adds to the glaring inadequacy. every single day is just a futile attempt to patch up the fresh holes I dig in myself too often. thank you to those who are trying. I am trying too.


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