Wednesday 9 January 2013

j j jaded

I'M NOT MOODY I'M MOOD-LESS WHEN WILL PEOPLE GET IT. everyone needs to leave me alone. I guess this whole being alone thing is working out just fine. outdoor PE. I need to focus. I need to ignore everything around me and f o c u s. jack of all trades. I need to take away all distractions. not going for SHM anymore. master of none. remove myself from every single equation out there. have faith in me. I like the weather. I hope it never stops raining. I do want to take a hot shower though. great dinner and conversation with izzat. intellectually stimulating. It's comforting. comforting to know that two people can share a conversation or just sit in silence and still understand each other. very motivated now. really want to do well for myself and for the few people who have faith in me. have faith in me. I don't have faith in me. can't let everyone down like I always do. script editing with bryson after school tmrw. I am very hungry. I am very tired. zzz


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